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In a world which seems so strange, I find myself wondering again; A bit of wonder sets the stage. I wonder if it will ever be the same.


The changes which we travel and the motives which we press our efforts, it all feels an thing to which we are not worthy of.


In my heart I know all this change and hurt is something of value, but I also feel it misses the exact nature of the life it touches. If my motivations were more pure, if I only acted with more wholesomeness.


I am in a situation which reflects the unknown back towards me. I feel the listlessness of a man confined and isolated. I've been informed and told a great many things, yet I am in a situation of no control. My lack of agency is part of my progress I surmise, my isolation a product of momentum and the need to be protected.


I am mentally ill; or am I? I've been told these things, but do I really believe it? Is it not true that these things are labels which simply serve to place me in a category? I do not feel like a bad person, yet I am treated as an unwanted; an outcast. I have few friends, and as I try and make new ones, situations arise which truncate me from my efforts.


In some cases I'm teased and told my options are limited. It frustrates me and creates a barrier which dared not be crossed.


At court the other day an old lady in her late 50's injected herself into my life with a message she wrote on her phone. It bothered me and instead of saying no I allowed it to happen. I'm not especially interested in romantic relationships, certainly not with someone who colors their hair purple with pink and wears pajamas to a court appearance…


I responded to her texts which were questions about my work and charges. She hasn't responded yet, which I'm grateful for; I suppose my labels are useful in keeping people away. Mentally ill. Felon. It doesn't matter.


Being isolated at my mother and father's home has made me fatter too. I don’t get to the gym as much and I feel cut apart about that. I should really work my body here, which I will need to do if I have hope of staying sane.


The endorphins released during exercise are very important. It can mean the difference between a good and bad day. If I don't work and remain sedentary then two days later I suffer the emotional downswing. We all need to make the changes required of us. Knowing what those changes are is a big deal.


I sense and try to extend my gratitude towards the sentiment of catching someone's eye in the way I did. I am grateful. I do feel hurt at the same time. "Is this what I've been reduced to?", my ego says. It asks me how low I have sunk to allow this to happen. "Do I not have standards?" I try and remind myself I should not judge one person by the actions of another, but I immediately feel held back from honest expression by past experience and old habits.


I would rather not hurt someone, but I also do not want to use my time up with useless actions. It simply brings me back around to the main issue which is "What the hell am I doing?"


Daily life, my position of waiting, my malaise, it all adds up to distracted living and avoidance of responsibilities. It is multiplied by inaction and the results are already in, they have been for some time now. It sucks to be stationary.


Without a regular job, with no family, no friends, what else is there but persistence? Simply continue to be. Be here. Be there. For what purpose? To read a book? Do a puzzle? Find some special secret?


I don't know anymore. I feel there is a reason, but I can't externalize it. The purpose is within me. It hangs there like a ripe fruit upon the vine waiting to be taken. What does it all mean? Whatever does it all mean to be in this world?


We put such an emphasis on doing, rather than being. Why are we like this? We're going to be destroyed by this madness. This self imposed madness. This is a truth, a pain which hobbles us from within. A final pain. It is coming.

May 10

Patrique..your situation reminds me of mine after I get rid of the abuser who abused me and my son...who brainwashed me and twisted me so I did not in the end know who I am...the brain damage I got gave me took long time to get my medication work so I could keep a day in order...I had to make a list how to get a day in time order...I had to think hard what was asked of me to take care of a 3 yrs old son and to get me back to work...the list started at 7.00 am ...put cloths on me and my son...make breakfast...take my son to the daycare....go to work...I was lucky to keep my empoyment but I was not able to work with patiens any more...when I come to work at 8.00-8.30..I cried and the co-workers said now we have lunch...I cried and at 3.00 they said...go home...I got my son from daycare...made dinner....played with my son...gave a bath to my son...wrote a new list for the next day...showered and went to bed....

Before I even got to make the list took long time....before I remembered what kind of food used I make....etc....I knew potatoes is food but where do I have my potatoes...I had to call my sister to come and show me how a potato look took long time to go to a pshyology day she you are ready to sit in a group....

I had to learn everything all over....Today I can be greatful for all hard work is life on earth...hard....but it does foster us to be humbled for every day we are somewhat healthy...have roof over our heads and have loved ones who love us...Never forget those who think of us...I root for you Patrique ...You will make it I am sure ....



We all need to begin somewhere. I like to think that since w...


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