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IA's Dream Diary

Public·29 Dreamers

Defense Against The Dark Arts Course Owner


Astral Projection Mastery Course Owner

Astral Projection


In last night dream I saw Elvis sleeping on the ground...he had a very interesting neacleas on him...I went to look at it...It was white gould and on one side was a red cup...and on the other side was a red gem...I knocked on the cup and to my surprise it was of plastic...I awoke Elvis and asked him what the cup was made of....he said...Ruby....oh no I said it is of he stands up and we went to my place....I notice that my place was surrouned by an low fench...I went to my place but he stayed on the other side of the fench....I asked if he want to have coffee or tea...he said...neighder....I asked ...milk...and here I awoke...


A special place for our guest, IA, to express themselves on ...


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