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IA's Dream Diary

Public·30 Dreamers

Defense Against The Dark Arts Course Owner


Astral Projection Mastery Course Owner

Astral Projection

In last night dream I was in a building...I hear voices shouting...a child I go to listen behind doors from where it comes from...I locate the appartament and I knock on the door...the door opens and I see a child on the floor crying...the person who have shouted and making the child cry dissapears...I ask the child...what is the matter...he looks at me and I stretch my hands towards his...he takes my hands and stop crying...I try to ask what happened...but the child do not talk...he takes me to the kitchen where his mother is and I awoke....

In this episode I am in my appartament...a huge heap of sand is in my kitchen and a hole is digged...I can see through the hole a canal floating under and I go out...on the other side is an excavater digging in the canal...digging up shoes...I pick up the shoes and I try to communicate with the man on the excavator..he says something like...what are you doing in the building with old people...I reply..maybe because I am an old women...he say...but you are not that old...oh yeah...not...I am 67 yrs old....


A special place for our guest, IA, to express themselves on ...


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