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IA's Dream Diary

Public·30 Dreamers

Defense Against The Dark Arts Course Owner


Astral Projection Mastery Course Owner

Astral Projection

In last night dream my car was stolen...I visited a store and when I come back my car was stolen...I put my hand into my jacket pocket and my cell phone was replased with an old one...thoose big ones...a man who was like a watchman over the parking place told me that a criminal women have taken my car...and he helped me to dial the police number...after a long time a man answered my call and took notes but dissapeared ...whilst I was walking home and tried to find my way I asked a younger man for help...he dialed the police number but when I gave me the phone it was like a manga game I asked him what the number to police is...he said...11920...I try to dial the number but do not I awoke myself from the dream...


A special place for our guest, IA, to express themselves on ...


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