In last night dream I saw my little brother standing with 2 persons...when my brother saw me he looked very imbarresed...when I come nearer the 2 persons dissapeared...left was only theires water bottles...I bend down and took the first water bottle and felt it is my aunts...and the other was her son...I can come out are revieled...the went visible...she asked me long is it when we met....I said 25 yrs....she asked me if I can go with her and reserv a table for our familys re-union...we went into a restaurant for making the reservation...but she ordered a meal and sat down to eat...after she was finnished I asked her...are you really able to eat more when we will have the re-union with our family....oh yes she said I am....
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IA's Dream Diary
Public·30 Dreamers
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