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IA's Dream Diary

Public·30 Dreamers

Defense Against The Dark Arts Course Owner


Astral Projection Mastery Course Owner

Astral Projection

In last night dream I was back in my second the dream my husband had let a women rent a room she was living under our roof....I come from work and my husband is sleeping....I shut the bedroom door ...but it went only a sek when my husband come out and asked why I did not come to bed...I where sleeping...I will not attack you during your sleep...soon the room mate come out...and the feeling was...she would have come to bed if he had bean her husband....we had dinner and the women joined us without we asking it was the most normal thing to do....I got furious...and I asked her if she was inwited...I an not sure the rent a room will include her to invade our live...she was looking at my husband and like begging him to come to her aid...I said...most surely you do…

Apr 14, 2024

Interesting how these things are coming up for you now; I love the way our bodies and minds work to clear out the old stuff when we are ready to see something new. It seems like there is a lot to process there, especially with the trains and the unknown destinations.

Defense Against The Dark Arts Course Owner


Astral Projection Mastery Course Owner

Astral Projection

In last night dream I was in a team....we all hade very strange vehiles...and all of us had our own way to manuevre the vehile we had....I had a very stiff one...we did travel on took long time for me to put my hands in the water and help the vechile to move forward little faster....My destination was a library....I walked very slowly because the vechile was heavy....2 girls was standing on my I kindly asked them to let me pass was very I asked do not belive I get through this I did pass and I had like a station where I parked...and called out to the team members that I am on my location....and here I awoke...

Defense Against The Dark Arts Course Owner


Astral Projection Mastery Course Owner

Astral Projection

In last night dream my sons ex girlfriend hugged me and did not want to let go...I do not have any contact with her at all in real life...interesting to see if she will contact me....

Apr 12, 2024

Perhaps something from your past is clinging to you somehow; like an old behavior which is represented by your sons old girlfriend? Maybe her mannerisms embody something within you which is the real medium. Did around the context of why she wasn't letting go, and maybe there is a message there.

Defense Against The Dark Arts Course Owner


Astral Projection Mastery Course Owner

Astral Projection

In last night dream I was with the dream I did not first know who it was...but suddenly a bright light hit my face and I was totally blinded by the light...someone grabbed my right hand and started to pull me away...I first husband name and father to my not let them take me....when I looked at the right hand sight it was total pitch black and i could not see who was trying to pull me away from where I I awoke....

I started to think what could this first husband is on the other side....are we not allowed to communicate with the dead??...Why was the one who was trying to dragg me away total black?? ...why could I not see who it was??


A special place for our guest, IA, to express themselves on ...


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