In Divine Magic Of The Higher Self, you will learn:
The white magic your Higher Self.
Meditations to revitalize your Chakras.
Sacred affirmations for spiritual power.
Secrets to happiness & spiritual fulfillment.
The Law of Attraction to radically transform the quality of your life.
Video Program: Watch online anywhere.
Course Membership: Lifetime access to course.
Forum Membership: Open discussion, no initiation.
Harness the divine magic of your higher self to finally manifest the life you deserve… Discover the true secret to spiritual power.

If you’re ready to start attacking and preventing dis-ease RIGHT NOW, then this might be the most important letter you’ll ever read.

Dear Friend,
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have the life of your dreams?
Is it only a quaint fantasy to believe that you can get the life you want – full of spiritual growth, physical health, financial prosperity and loving relationships?
Don’t you deserve to be happy? Don’t you deserve the best that life can offer? We all do.
But if this is the case, then why do SO FEW humans ever actually FEEL happy. Why do so many people feel sad, and lonely, and desperate? Why are so many people depressed and suffering from physical and mental illness? Why is poverty and suicide on the rise?
I believe I can answer these profound questions. Here, I’ll let you in on a secret…
If You Don’t Feel Like You DESERVE The Life You Want – You’ll Never Get It
I mean that literally. To manifest change in the physical world, you need to supercharge your desire with an intense amount of astral energy. And the fastest way to generate the required energy, is to FEEL like you deserve it. It’s called the Law of Attraction.
By believing you “should” have something, both your Higher Self and the universe at large will go “OK” and materialize the change. And of course, the opposite also is true. If you feel unworthy of something, your negative energy will repel it. How many times have lottery winners who hit the big jackpot lost all their money? They unconsciously felt undeserving.
Now think about what areas of your life need serious improvement? What specific areas of your life are in disrepair? I’d be willing to bet it’s the same areas of your life in which you feel the most anxiety, nervousness, discomfort, and inadequacy.
The fastest way to get the life you want is to feel like you DESERVE it. This is called the Law of Attraction.
Do you think there’s a connection between those negative emotions and the poor quality of those parts of your life?
Be forewarned. If you do not resolve those pessimistic feelings, those areas of your life will spiral out of control.
I call it the “vicious cycle”. The worse a part of your life is, the worse you feel about it. The worse you feel about it, the worse that part of your life becomes, and so on.
I’ll illustrate an example. Let’s say you’re financially on the rocks, and drowning in bad debt. The more anxiety you experience, the more you’ll shy away from facing the problem. The more you ignore the debt, the more it piles up, until you’re totally bankrupt.
Or let’s look at another example. Imagine you’re suffering from a physical disease. Your too afraid and nervous to confront the illness and go to a doctor, so you run from it. Of course, this exacerbates the problem, and now you need critical surgery and treatment.
I hope you’re understanding tremendously powerful your feelings are. They set the direction, and control the quality, for every area of your life.
The Most Dangerous Mistakes People Make When It Comes To Manifestation And Healing
I have literally spent YEARS working on my emotions and energy in order to manifest positive results in my life. I’ve also spent YEARS teaching other people how to control their mental intent, get help from their Higher Self, and heal and stimulate their energy bodies.
I’m going to “boil down” the top mistakes that humans and healers make when it comes to manifesting health and wellness. An then I’ll show you step-by-step how to overcome these terribly negative influences and turn each area of your life around.
Mistake #1: Expecting The Worst
What you believe is what you achieve. This works both ways, positive and negative. If you’re sitting on the couch worrying about your problems, then you’re FEEDING them emotional energy. You’ll get sucked into the vicious cycle I warned you about, and your problems will spiral out of control.
People with low self-esteem and inferiority complexes, always imagine things are worse then they are. And their lives reflect that. Have you ever heard the phrase, “sore loser”. Yeah, those are the kinds of people who expect the worst – and get it – then feel bad about it. This is called adding insult to injury. It’s the vicious cycle in action.
Mistake #2: Having The Wrong Environment
Nothing kills your optimism faster than being around harshly pessimistic people. You can tangibly feel their negative energy impacting you. Your energy body starts suffocating in their presence.
At all costs, get away from these emotional vampires. They are tearing the flowers of your optimism out by the roots, and draining your vital energy from you.
Birds of a feather flock together. Sore losers, whiners, and misers all tend to congregate in groups and complain about their problems. Sadly, many “support” groups fall under this category, where they spend more time focusing on problems than solutions.
Mistake #3: Seeking Outside Help, Not Inside
To solve a problem, you need to go inside yourself for guidance FIRST.
What is your gut telling you? What do you feel is the right way to handle the situation intuitively?
It’s heart-breaking to see so many mindless lemmings going in circles trying to find answers outside themselves. They are brainwashed to believe that they need help from giant corporations and governments, which rarely act in their best interest.
You must cultivate an indomitable sense of responsibility for yourself.
Mistake #4: Thinking You Need To Be “New Age”
This one cracks me up. I love when newcomers discover spirituality, and all of a sudden they change their name to “Rabbit’s Foot” and begin dressing in funny robes and performing bizarre rituals.
Forget all that nonsense. The “New Age” persona is fake, and it will separate you from your authentic personality. You don’t need to sell all your possessions and move to Tibet. In stead, work on developing a genuine spirituality.
Mistake #5: Not Having An Arsenal Of Techniques “At The Ready”
Once you have the “internal” and “emotional” stuff handled, it’s time to use proven techniques for stimulating your energy body, tapping into your Higher Self, and getting the life you want.
In other words, it’s time to make real improvements in your health and wellness.
Now YOU Can Learn To Heal – And Never Worry About “Visualization” Ever Again
One of my pet peeves is “visualization”. Everyone has difficulty with it, and it’s very weak. Experiments have shown me that it has almost no lasting affect on your energy body. That’s why I embarked on a serious mission to find and innovate techniques that work, and don’t require visualizing pretty pictures for hours a day.
Wellness Tool #1: Sacred Affirmations & Self-Hypnosis
As you may know, I’m seasoned at astral projection. During one of my travels, I discovered the power that the throat chakra and the human voice has on the astral plane. Put simply, speaking sacred affirmations to yourself in a strong, resonant voice will cause more change than visualization ever will.
The human energy body directly interacts with the astral plane. And when you speak, you vibrate your throat chakra, which sends a ripple effect through the surrounding astral energy. Now it’s only a matter of time before the command turns into a physical reality.
Wellness Tool #2: Higher Self Intervention
Your Higher Self holds all the keys to the kingdom. It can make or break you. It is your godlike parent.
If you’d like to experience the life of your dreams, where your health, finances and relationships are all at their very best, then you NEED your Higher Self working FOR YOU, not against you. Communication with your Higher Self keeps you on the same page.
Wellness Tool #3: Energy Body Stimulation
The energy body is the source of health for the physical body, and vice versa. The two bodies work together in a cybernetic loop. When one is healthy, they’re both healthy. When one is ill, they’re both ill. Simple as that.
To enjoy vibrant and lasting physical health, you need to learn how to exercise and harmonize your energy body. Your energy centers, known as chakras, moderate your physical health.
The World’s Most Powerful Affirmations, And Field-Tested Techniques For Transforming Your Life
To help you learn these truly invaluable lessons and get instant access to my Tools so you can start getting the life you DESERVE immediately… I’ve put ALL MY BEST material into one program. I call it Manifestation And Healing.
Let’s be honest, it can be difficult, if not impossible, to make headway in EVERY area of your life all by yourself. But with my spiritual guidance, you can instantly manifest the physical health, financial prosperity and intimate, loving relationships you need and want – and FASTER than you think possible.
What you learn in this program will shave years off your learning curve. This program will give you a total mental reprogramming. I do actual LIVE demonstrations of my patented techniques, so you can SEE and HEAR how it’s done. You’ll be AMAZED at just how easy it is, once you know what you’re doing. I’m really excited for you to try it, because I know it’s going to change your life forever.
In Manifestation And Healing, you’ll learn:
How to deeply stimulate your energy body – revitalize chakras for physical health.
Sacred affirmations that immediately charge the astral plane to manifest your desires.
How to identify harmful negative beliefs – avoid the “Vicious Cycle”.
The right ways to approach your Higher Self for special intercession on your behalf.
Powerful exercises that turbocharge your energy body to attract the highest quality people and opportunities to you like a magnet.
How to purify your emotions – eliminate deep-seated “emotional baggage” that is blocking your progress.
Totally reprogram your unconscious mind for guaranteed success.
How to apply your mental intent in order to MASTER the critical areas of your life.
The ultimate secret to happiness – uncover your life’s true purpose.
How to tap into the unlimited power of your Higher Self and get the life you feel you DESERVE.
Watch This Entire Program Online RIGHT NOW, Risk-Free And Receive:
8+ hours of video material: Complete guide to the Higher Self.
Streaming online: Watch anywhere any time.
Detailed track listing: For quick access to re-watch chapters.
Forum membership: Get support when you need it most.
You can download my programs and watch them online from your computer, smartphone, or other portable device.
Try my Manifestation & Healing program RISK FREE for 7 days. If for any reason you’re not happy, simply let me know before the 7 days are up, and I’ll give you a full refund.
I strongly encourage you to act right now. Here’s why…
You’ve received this RARE AND UNPRECEDENTED opportunity directly from your Higher Self. There’s a REASON why you, of all people, are reading my words right now.
You were born to achieve this… remember that!

Magic Of The Higher Self

The purple strobing started one afternoon when I was preparing dinner for my family. I screamed in shock, realizing I’d awakened my auric vision, which lasted the entire weekend. It gently faded over time, but I could revive it to full strength by performing your spinal column technique for a few minutes. The auric sight is now permanent and no longer wavers, in fact, doing the Kundalini technique you showed me actually opened my astral vision too, and I can see spirits, which was very alarming at first.
Shriya Gupta | Verified Purchase

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