As a Silver Member, you will gain:
Item 1.
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Stories from my personal experiences.
Ask me any spiritual or life-related questions.
Item 1: Under construction.
Become a premium member of my community and help support us. Show your premium status with a special badge. Get more opportunities to chat with me and my team. Access my private forum discussions. Create, manage, and post on your own social group. Get my articles, videos, and resources before anyone else. Help me and my cause to enlighten humanity! And more...
Finally... You can explore the world with me.
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Silver Membership is our way of giving you more by creating a feature rich community in which we can become more involved. This will also help us with the cost of maintaining and improving the Astral Dynamics website and forum.
Become a premium member of my community and help to support us and further our cause to reeducate and enlighten humanity!
Get more opportunities to chat with me and my team.
Access my private forum discussions.
Create, manage, and post on your own social group.
Get my articles, videos, and resources before anyone else.
Show your premium status with a special badge.
And more features are to come...
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I'm ready when you are...