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Silver News & How Manifestation Works

Updated: Jan 17


I hope you have been well. Today I would like to write to you about an astral projection that happened some years ago, but is still fresh in my memory because of its powerful content, as well as my interactions with the higher being involved.


This tale explains why manifestation is so difficult for most people. While it is relatively easy to manifest a phone call or a cup of coffee, it is not so easy manifesting anything larger. This is worth contemplating.

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Inna Gentile
18 ene

Thank you Robert for reminding to stay focused at all times. And it is sad that not all the people can be helped, like the girl in this article :(

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It may be sad, but I guess only on the outside. In my understanding no human experiences a demonic possession "out of nowhere". The Higher Self of that human does use this experience as a lesson for this human (which is the past life of this Higher Self) to grow. So it's another example for "let go and let God" but on a more profound level. That does NOT mean that we are "not allowed" to help other people. Because also this helping and expressing compassion with people in need is part of all our journeys. But always ask your Higher Self if you are allowed to interfere or maybe you are "allowed" to take over the experience from the human…

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