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IA's Dream Diary

Public·29 Dreamers

Defense Against The Dark Arts Course Owner


Astral Projection Mastery Course Owner

Astral Projection

In last night dream I was at a bar with a man....we sat down at a table with 2 women...The man did go after a pen and paper...I saw that he was very interested in one of the I just left and went home...felt that I was no more needed...

In this episode I was in a pasture...I saw that the fench had left open so I schut it and I had someone with me...I this pasture is a horse...soon we saw the horse but it was not the one I was thinking of...this horse did look like ailien...and I was so surprised....

Apr 19, 2024

It sounds like both you and the man experienced the same thing. He was reaching for paper, pen, another woman; you were closing a gate, sealing a horse inside a strange horse. This says something, I'm sure of it.

The actions of the man sealing you off from him with his actions, and you sealing the alien looking horse off from you.

The expectation of seeing a normal horse and feeling surprise; that sounds like a signpost too. Different doesn't mean less, just as the man chose someone different than you, You are still worthy.

Maybe I'm totally off base, but I get the notion that acceptance might be a good theme for the day.


A special place for our guest, IA, to express themselves on ...


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