I hurt myself sometime in the night again. I don't really know when, sometime when I was going to sleep I think.
I'm troubled because not only do I have limited recollection, but I'm just disappointed to not be past it yet. I had felt things are going really well.
At least I had the impression they were. I suppose there is a lot more ground to cover. Perhaps that is the mark of progression; When we can actually see the road before us and know in our hearts that we are along the path, yet far from our desired destination.
The journey is what we must focus on, but the path isn't going to be made known to us until we pass through the eye of the needle. The ever present question becomes one of self delusion or faith; Am I? Vs. I Am.
Is there a bigger reason beyond our own, and do we contribute? It seems like a possibility yet there are forces which negate what we have happening around and for us. Manifest in our minds and our world we can only see a limited distance, and even that is muddled with questioning and doubt.
Remaining bound to the present in constant vigil and awareness is all well and good, but there will always be the mind and body to pull us back. The insidious mind; It leaves us with both great gifts and also huge hinderances. Our focus is so backwards it seems like a circle.
Anyways, my medications were increased after my appointment yesterday. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I realize my doctor is very intelligent and has years of experience doing his diagnosis's; I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that other doctors had burned me in the past.
I don't know. I all feels somewhat hollow somehow.. I don't know...
I had a dream of picking weeds out of my strawberry path yesterday. I was as tall as the weeds were, they were overgrown, but I was also smaller somehow, still able to pull them out.
I was pulling out grasses and dandelions. I can't remember much more, though I know there was something....
I started bass lesson at the local music shop recently. I feel a bit of creativity might just be what I need. A little additional practice. All the practice.
Speaking of practice, my marital arts club is moving. We got a huge penthouse space above the YMCA. It's going to be awesome. I can't wait for it to come alive. I feel that the time has come for great things. I think it has ben waiting for me. You know? Somehow everything has been tipped away from fruition until I stepped forward into the belief in myself further. Now the scales are finally balancing back towards what is right and good.
I have this very profound sense that my own efforts and progression has somehow tilted everyone else in a better direction, like a feather that tips the scale of a trillion pounds.
If only I can absorb the hurt and pain with a true belief. For the good of everyone I need to keep going. If I stop now, then who will do it for them? Who is going to be there at the end, if not me? I know it is silly to think I am the only agent of change in the world, but my view of things gives me the sense that through my own actions I've pressured change and positivity in the best direction possible. I need to keep doing that unless I wobble the scales bad towards something worse for everyone.
In a time of pain and loneliness everyone deserves a bastion of hope and a place of healing. Can that be something I am providing somehow? Just through mindful action and positive thought?
I consider this place, this venue of discourse. These forums; Just as our mutual benefactor has provided this space for us to learn and be, albeit digitally, it is still a protected space that lets us express and even sculpt. At this early stage, it is we few who provide the curiosity and expansion of our little community with involvement and efforts.
Try not to worry then, about our small failing and minor lacking. We are a fractal of something greater and it isn't our perfection to be concerned with so much as our own wholeness, completeness.
Take a few deep drinks of life today and make it worth the time you are here. This life isn't waiting for us to keep up, so don't get left behind in thought too much today.
Hehe. Thanks for sharing, Patrique. It makes me very happy that we can provide this space for people to benefit in many ways. Your journals are a gift.
We exist in a constant exchange of energy. Life, and all that you encounter through your day, should be perceived as such. We should be sensitive to such.
When life brings events to you, how do you respond? Do you allow that energy to flow as freely as it comes to you? Do you listen and work with it as much as you appreciate others who help you when you want something from them? How do you think life responds when you behave in the way that you do?
This, in every way, is the 'life-diet' from which affects all things. Go ahead and consume junk, hang on to energy so that it rots, or transmute it with an inflammation response... or choose to let it go and reciprocate that profound energy from life in a way that truly means something better for you and us all.
Wishing you a wonderful adventure ahead. Many blessings to you, your growth, and your loved ones.