Though this has been slightly revised - someone seemed spiritually lost and it inspired me to write them the following. They appreciated it and I thought others might appreciate it too. This wisdom has helped me, so, I hope, this may help you.

In much of our lives (especially when we are off track), too often do I find that the very best thing to do, for a time, is to remove yourself from the hum-drum of life and relax, quieten down, and 'listen'. Listen not with what we can hear, but more with what we can translate, through feeling and intuition, to those inner gentle voices that we trust, but all too often, out of ignorance, ego, and distraction, pay them with little to no attention. And since they are of our own heart and can clearly 'see' more than we can see, they are thus better able to…
This is great. I find that I am often so caught up in the lack of reciprocity in my relationships, that I get end up in a swirl of dark thoughts about both myself and the world. Im a very impassioned person, which I think can lead to terrible heartbreak in the long-run, and it distracts me from the inner voices which I’m sure are attempting to pull me back in during these crises. I hope I can somehow find ways to listen to them during this time